Before bringing up WAN IPs on CGW machines, make sure previous firewall or any other machine in network does not have those IP address configured.
Install WAN IP with default gateway on CGW machine to get internet access:
IP configuration command:
sudo ip addr add WAN_IP/MASK dev WAN_interface_name
WAN_IP: Public IP or private IP with NAT to access Internet
MASK: Subnet mask in format /24 or /22 etc.
WAN_interface_name: Specify name of the WAN interface
Gateway configuration:
sudo ip route add default via GW_IP
GW_IP: WAN Gateway to access Internet
Confirm Internet access:
Confirm DNS works:
If DNS doesn’t work then add “nameserver” in file /etc/resolv.conf, and verify again
SSH to machine using IP configured in above steps
Switch to root user by executing command:
sudo su
Navigate to Multi Interface CGW deployment page and continue with CGW installation after specifying WAN IP address and Gateway IP on CGW configuration page
WAN IP and gateway configured during above steps, will be made static post CGW installation. Make sure same WAN IP and Gateway IPs are used during CGW configuration on admin console