Exium Acronis integration helps partners to integrate Acronis platform with Exium, so that they can map and manage Exium workspaces for companies, track security incidents of different companies as SIEM events. Unique features of this integration are
Simple steps to integrate Acronis with Exium
Simple steps to map Exium workspace for selective companies
Selective configuration of different SIEM events alerts at the company level
This note explains how to configure Acronis application settings and Exium Partner Portal settings so that Acronis SIEM events can be created automatically, based on events that are monitored through the Exium Service.
Following steps elaborate Acronis Integration with Exium
¶ 1.1 Copy User Name and Partner ID from Exium MSP Portal
As a first step, copy username and partner ID from Exium MSP Portal. These are required to configure on Acronis Exium app in step 1.2 for successful integration.
Login to Exium Partner Portal by using your admin credentials.
Click on Users → Users on left navigation bar
Copy one of the admin users username as shown below.
Click on Settings on left navigation bar
Click on Show Icon next to Partner ID and then click on Copy as shown below.
As a next step, configure Exium app on Acronis with above copied details.
Login to your Acronis account.
Click on Integrations on left navigation bar
Enter Exium on Search bar. Exium application will show up
Click on Configure on Exium application as shown below.
Paste UserName copied on Step 1.1 under Exium MSP Account Username
Paste Partner ID copied on Step 1.2 under Exium Partner ID
Click on Enable as shown below
On successful configuration, you will see Acronis Tenant ID under Acronis tab of PSA Integrations pageas shown below.
¶ 2. Map Exium Workspaces with Acronis Customer accounts
As a next step, you need to map Exium Workspaces with Acronis Customer accounts. To do this, follow below steps.
Please note that if you don't have any Exium workspaces under your partner account, You need to create a company workspace. To do this, please follow company workspace creation.
On CUSTOMER MAPPING tab of newly created Exium app, it'll show all the Exium workspace names of the partner
Click on Settings icon (…) at the right end of a Exium workspace
Click on Map to existing customer tenant as shown below
On Map to existing customer tenant dialog, Select a acorns customer account from drop down
Click on Map as shown below
On successful mapping Exium Workspace is Mapped to Acronis customer account as shown below.
¶ 3. Acronis SIEM events configuration at Workspace
As a next step, you can assign different type of SIEM events to Acronis. Exium platform uses this information to raise SIEM events to Acronis platform, whenever Exium logs an event.
Click on Companies and navigate to the company workspace by clicking on View Admin Console action of a mapped workspace as shown below.
On Company workspace, Click on Integrations and Click on SIEM
Select the Interested log events from dropdown under Log Events to send to SIEM